Too Big To Ignore (TBTI) is a global research network and knowledge mobilization partnership dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of small-scale fisheries for food security, poverty reduction, and sustainable development.
The Information System on Small-Scale Fisheries (ISSF), the first interactive global database on SSF, provides information about key characteristics of this sector in various locations worldwide as synthesized knowledge about their importance, contributions, and potentials.
We invite you to contribute the data and insights you and your participants gathered through the curriculum’s core lesson and enrichment activities information by answering the 20 Questions about SSF by our partners, Too Big to Ignore (TBTI). Once submitted, TBTI will create a profile of your SSF. The information will be publicly available on the Information System on Small-Scale Fisheries (ISSF), the first interactive global database on SSF, providing information about key characteristics of this sector in various locations around the world as synthesized knowledge about their importance, contributions, and potentials.
1. Download the survey available in English, Spanish, or French. Print one copy for your group to fill out either at the end of the curriculum experience or you can fill this survey in as you go through the chapters. You can also save the PDF on a computer and fill it in periodically.
2. Upload the completed survey (see the "Upload" button for this option) and fill in the rest of this short form. TBTI and ISSF will receive your submission. TBTI will acknowledge your participant group as the ‘contributors’ and ‘authors’ of the SSF profile in the synthesis report that TBTI continuously compiles!
Once you've completed the survey, upload it below to send to TBTI!
You're almost finished! Just add these details below and hit submit!
How do you want the data participants gathered to be used? What specific local ecological or social positive changes do you hope this data shapes or informs?