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Community-Based Environmental Education in the Fishing Villages of Tuticorin and Its Role in Conservation of the Environment


Jamila Patterson, Eva Lindén, J.K. Patterson Edward, Dan Wilhelmsson (Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Sweden); Inger Löfgren


Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute, Nyköpings Folkhöskola, & Stockholm University


Adult education was introduced in five coastal SSF villages on the Tuticorin coast in India in 2007. The education included 1) environmental education practices, 2) conservation of natural resources, focusing on coral reefs and seagrass habitats and their importance and role, 3) the need for conservation and management, and 4) eco-friendly fishing practices and sustainable use of fishery resources. The trained fisher folk play key roles in their respective villages in awareness creation about the conservation of natural resources. The campaign during International Year of the Reef in 2008 helped make many people in the villages aware of the importance of corals and associated seagrass and other resources. As a part of mitigating climate change impacts and income generation, family members of the five villages were also taught and helped increase plantation.

Cita de la FAO

Patterson, J., Lindén, E., Patterson Edward, J.K., Wilhelmsson, D. & Löfgren, I. 2009. Community-based environmental education in the fishing villages of Tuticorin and its role in conservation of the environment. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 49(2).

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Used an existing organizational structure (Women's Self-Help Groups) to organize and identify participants for educational workshops, specifically women (240 women, 44 men). Literacy was improved from non-existent to ability to read transportation schedules and travel alone. Basic information about their ecological system was learned - that corals are living animals which provide habitat to reef life and protect coastlines; the significance of healthy corals for healthy coastal fisheries (in the International Year of Reefs, 2008). Methodologies used included group discussions and 'entertainment' in the form of songs, folk dances, drama, and quizzes. Schoolchildren were included for portions of the education along with their parents.

enlaces a los capítulos de las directrices ssf

    5. Governance of (5a.) Tenure in Small-Scale Fisheries & (5b.) Resource Management, 6. Social Development, Employment & Decent Work, 8. Gender Equality, 12. Capacity Development, 13. Implementation Support & Monitoring

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