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A companion to the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines Curriculum, the workbook offers open independent space for participants to reflect more deeply and playfully on the SSF Guideline's themes embedded in core lesson plans and enrichment activities.
IYAFA 2022
The United Nations declared 2022 as the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) to raise global awareness about the important role that artisanal fisheries and aquaculture play in sustainable development, poverty reduction, and food security. The initiative was led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with other UN agencies and international organizations.
IYAFA 2022 provided a platform for governments, civil society organizations, SSF people, and fishworkers to share knowledge and best practices, to discuss challenges, and to develop solutions for sustainable and equitable artisanal fisheries and aquaculture. The initiative aimed to promote the adoption of policy and legal frameworks that recognize the rights and needs of small-scale fishers and fishworkers, and to promote gender equality and social inclusion in the sector.
University Name
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
University Name
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
University Name
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
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