FAO Citation
Hosch. 1999. The involvement of students in the collection of artisanal fishery data - A new way forward : paper tabled at the MRAG Workshop on aspects of coastal resource management - Suva, Fiji, 30th June to 2nd July, 1999. : 9.
Relevancy to curriculum
The author gives a concrete example of an assignment incorporated into students' science curriculum in Samoa. The AFSC operates as follows:
The Fisheries Department prepares a range of materials (log books, teaching support material, workbooks) for a secondary school which participates in the programme. Students from that school log information in their households on fishing activity, bring it back to their school, where it is pooled and sent off to the Fisheries Department, which seeks the information. There, the data are fed into a database, get analysed and stored, and can henceforth be used for fisheries management purposes.
The achievements of an operative AFSC are twofold; 1) artisanal fisheries data are generated and 2) awareness for the coastal resources is raised among the young of the fishing communities. The main takeaways for our curriculum are the following:
Keep curriculum activities simple,
Make expectations clear among each party involved (school and fisheries department),
Ideally, a "demand-based approach" works best where each party sees the value of their participation rather than as an extra responsibility to simply complete.
links to ssf guidelines chapters
- 5. Governance of (5a.) Tenure in Small-Scale Fisheries & (5b.) Resource Management, 10. Policy Coherence, Institutional Coordination & Collaboration, 11. Information, Research & Communication, 12. Capacity Development, 13. Implementation Support & Monitoring