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On behalf of the Coast 2 Coast (Beyond the Surface's Peruvian nonprofit that led the participatory co-creation process during IYAFA 2022), we sincerely thank the Lighthouse Foundation for believing in our small nonprofit to develop a curriculum that leverages the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication as a learning framework by which young learners and local educators in SSF can explore shaping positive changes for sustainable fisheries and optimistic futures. 

We are incredibly proud of everyone involved in co-creating this learning framework that honors the SSF Guidelines by placing it in the hands of a fishing village's most inquisitive and imaginative community members. Local youth, supported by their teachers, nonprofit program facilitators, and other community-based educators, can explore the unique policy instrument's central themes - from tenure to gender and climate action - in their daily lives from a space of creativity and curiosity. Gathering data on the themes embedded within the SSF Guideline's policy recommendations through project-based learning out and about in their SSF community, learners and educators play active roles in raising awareness and democratizing the implementation and monitoring of the SSF Guidelines while having fun and making new friends. After all, shouldn't we strive to make the process of shaping change just as enjoyable as delighting in the end result?  


Below are links and descriptions to the outputs of the curriculum development process. Results labeled as "ADDED" are deliverables that are not mentioned in the contract but came about in realization of the project and meeting its objectives. The development of these additional outputs did not impact the previously agreed upon budget with the Lighthouse Foundation.
Hover over a deliverable to view its description. Click the description to view the deliverable in its entirety.
1. Curriculum Package

A dynamic learning framework leveraging investigation and imagination for young people and educators to explore and mobilize the FAO's Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security & Poverty Eradication in their own SSF communities as social-ecological systems.

Video: Summary of the Curriculum Development Process

ADDED: An overview of the co-creation process to develop the 1st edition of the SSF Guidelines Curriculum, the short video accompanies the External Report as a visual and emotive tool to engender support for the curriculum's dissemination in coordination with sustainable fisheries and quality rural education initiatives.

Participant Workbook

A companion item to the curriculum, the participant workbook targets younger children to explore the SSF Guidelines' themes in their SSF communities and reflect on their human and non-human relationships through creative activities, reflective prompts and fun exercises.

Literature Review

ADDED: A product of preliminary research on the status of young people in fish-dependent communities and the roles young learners, educators, and schools play in realizing sustainable small-scale fisheries and aquaculture; this exploratory literature review seeks to address this knowledge gap.


ADDED: A platform for sharing the curriculum in an interactive way to reach educators and stakeholders to support international uptake, the website is a foundation to host the curriculum's digital resources, store handouts, and offers solid ground to build for knowledge-sharing between educators and SSF advocates.

Additional Activities

A proposed set of post-curriculum SSF Guidelines engagement pathways for participants and educators to continue building a relationship with the policy instrument as a tool for shaping sustainable fisheries and futures at the local level, SSF youth clubs and proposed training courses extend the curriculum's impact. 

2. Piloting

Educator Focus Groups: Peru, Nigeria, Madagascar, and India

A series of international workshops between SSF community educators in Peru, Nigeria, Madagascar, and India and Coast 2 Coast's multidiscinary team to understand facilitators' teaching styles, limitations and goals, focus groups co-designed the curriculum's lesson plans and enrichment activities for pilot testing.

Young Learner Focus Group: Peru

A six month period where Coast 2 Coast worked in-person with three educators from the public school and a community-based nonprofit to develop activities with inputs from a group of highschool and elementary school students in the same classroom. Participants offered feedback on instructional design in real time . 

Virtual Pilots with Young Learner Focus Groups: Nigeria, Madagascar, and India

A six month period where Coast 2 Coast supported educators in Nigeria, India, and Madagascar to faciliate co-created activities with groups of young learners in their SSF community as part of a virtual pilot to test and refine dynamics while providing insights on the viability of the curriculum's remote or digital facilitation.

Coastal Pilots: Talara, Negritos, Lobitos, Los Órganos, and El Ñuro

A companion item to the curriculum, the participant workbook targets younger children to explore the SSF Guidelines' themes in their SSF communities and reflect on their human and non-human relationships through creative activities, reflective prompts and fun exercises.

Photography Contest on Part 2 of the SSF Guidelines

A companion item to the curriculum, the participant workbook targets younger children to explore the SSF Guidelines' themes in their SSF communities and reflect on their human and non-human relationships through creative activities, reflective prompts and fun exercises.

Inland Pilots: Pan de Azúcar, Santo Domingo Comunidad Yanesha, and Tupan Grande

ADDED: A platform for sharing the curriculum in an interactive way to reach educators and stakeholders to support international uptake, the website is a foundation to host the curriculum's digital resources, store handouts, and offers solid ground to build for knowledge-sharing between educators and SSF advocates.

3. Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring & Evaluation Plan

ADDED: A platform for sharing the curriculum in an interactive way to reach educators and stakeholders to support international uptake, the website is a foundation to host the curriculum's digital resources, store handouts, and offers solid ground to build for knowledge-sharing between educators and SSF advocates.

Assessments & Knowledge-Sharing

ADDED: A platform for sharing the curriculum in an interactive way to reach educators and stakeholders to support international uptake, the website is a foundation to host the curriculum's digital resources, store handouts, and offers solid ground to build for knowledge-sharing between educators and SSF advocates.

4. Reporting

External Report for Outreach

ADDED: A platform for sharing the curriculum in an interactive way to reach educators and stakeholders to support international uptake, the website is a foundation to host the curriculum's digital resources, store handouts, and offers solid ground to build for knowledge-sharing between educators and SSF advocates.

Project Report for the Lighthouse Foundation

ADDED: A platform for sharing the curriculum in an interactive way to reach educators and stakeholders to support international uptake, the website is a foundation to host the curriculum's digital resources, store handouts, and offers solid ground to build for knowledge-sharing between educators and SSF advocates.



The Lighthouse Foundation awarded Beyond the Surface International (BTSI) a $20,000.00 grant to realize the logistics, facilitation, and impact analysis of student (and educator) focus groups in at least three distinct world regions. BTSI received 90% of the funds in two installments: 1st installment on 15 December 2023 for $2000.00 and the 2nd installment on 12 May 2022 for $18000.00. The Lighthouse Foundation anticipates transferring the final 3rd installment of $2000.00 four weeks after submission and accepting the final accounting and the Project Report. 

BTSI calculated a budget of $5,376.00 per focus group, including administrative costs. To realize four focus groups, the total budget was $21,504.00, which was $1,504.00 over the grant award. Therefore, BTSI facilitated sessions with three educational institutions in India, Madagascar, and Peru, respectfully, with a $5,376.00 budget per school. A budget of $3,872.00 remained to realize a fourth focus group adjusting the budget. However, soon into the sessions with educators and students, it became clear that due to logistical challenges around organizing virtual sessions with subject matter experts from National Geographic with schools re-opening after the COVID-19 pandemic and extremely volatile internet connectivity, If BTSI removed the budget for honorariums for virtual facilitators of $500.00 per school for the three established focus groups, this would remove the $1500.00 missing to onboard a fourth focus group (plus an added $4.00 over budget). Each school would now have a budget of $4876.00, having removed virtual facilitators from the action plan—three schools at $4,876.00 equal $19,504.00 as a total budget.

BTSI gained approval from the Lighthouse Foundation and onboarded a fourth student (and educator) focus group in Nigeria. BTSI covered the $4.00 over budget to pay the wire transfer fees to the local partner in West Africa. BTSI has yet to spend the $500.00 allocated initially as honorariums for virtual facilitators for the fourth focus group. The Lighthouse Foundation may request BTSI return those funds as deducted from the 3rd final installment of $2000.00 upon review of the Project Report or consider BTSI's proposal for the curriculum's next stage and approve these funds for use to co-produce a video series with National Geographic Explorers and young learners from SSF on core themes embedded in the SSF Guidelines Curriculum to accompany the curriculum's 2nd edition. Alternatively, Emi Koch, the SSF Guidelines Curriculum Project Director, will be in Qatar in September as part of the WISE Emerging Leaders Fellowship program. Emi hopes to visit the Nigerian Educator & Learner Focus Group in Lagos after the two-week in-person residency. These remaining $500.00 could help support her flight from Qatar to Lagos. BTSI will happily comply with the Lighthouse Foundation's decision. All other funds were allocated and spent according to the budget approved by the Lighthouse Foundation. BTSI entrusted local educational partners with the funds to realize the agreed-upon project, signing Memorandums of Understanding as contracts. Local partners promised to follow the funding categories' allocated amount when paying their staff and purchasing materials to design and pilot each lesson plan with BTSI's curriculum development team based in Peru.   

Beyond the Surface International is happy to answer any follow-up questions from the Ligthouse Foundation for added clarity on budget spending and outputs or outcomes realized.

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AWARD TOTAL: $20,000.00

Overview of Focus Group Budget

In the table below, please note that the final amount is for $20,004.00. BTSI covered this $4.00.00, which appeared with adding the fourth focus group.

2.b Peru Focus Group Budget

BTSI Administration Budget

1.a Beyond the Surface Administration Budget Breakdown

The budget that enabled BTSI to pre-produce, facilitate, and evaluate the educator and young learner focus groups in four countries while integrating feedback into the 1st edition of the SSF Guidelines Curriculum's design. While the focus groups were also a pilot in and of themselves, BTSI feels confident in applying insights gained from the co-creation and administration process to improve the program, having a better understanding of the needs and challenges to make the experience even more meaningful and impactful. 

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TOTAL: $6,978.00

1.a BTSI Administrative Funds


2.b Peru Focus Group Budget

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1.b BTSI Administrative Invoices


Ms. Emi Koch is the International SSF Educator & Learner Focus Group Coordinator. She initiated the conversations with local community educational partners, administered contracts, payments, and survey design, analysis, and follow-up with educators. She also facilitated in-person sessions with teachers in Lobitos, Peru, and took learners' activities to schools along the Northern Coast of Peru to pilot with new groups of students. Julia Moore, an undergraduate (rather than graduate) student from Northeastern University in Boston, United States, supported her. BTSI paid her the same as we would have a graduate student because of her sincere, earnest dedication to the project. She used her stipend to come to Peru to meet participants and facilitated stop-motion animation workshops as part of the coastal pilots.

Rosemarie Lerner, the curriculum's impact producer, developed the surveys and joined late-night sessions with educators waking up in Madagascar and India to co-design the project's impact vision together. BTSI used the budget for unanticipated costs to consult with Carole Mercier, a nonprofit educator with experience producing training for the trainer programs to help us onboard educators when it became more apparent that the focus was on engaging with teachers and then students in designing the curriculum. Carole is committed to supporting the development of the onboarding series highlighted in the proposal for the curriculum's subsequent stages.

Beyond the Surface International divided translation costs with each location and utilized the budget to translate young people's work into English in some cases (Peru) while also accounting for the time and dedication to transcribe participants' work and feedback into a digital format to analyze and feed back into the curriculum, improving upon the lesson plans and enrichment activities based on their engagement experience. BTSI feels that facilitating the focus groups is one crucial piece, but leveraging and mobilizing students' experiences is another that was unanticipated beyond simply integrating their feedback directly into the curriculum. Therefore, BTSI asked educators to use creative mechanisms in addition to traditional surveys for students to share their experiences in what commonly became known as the "SSF Sessions." BTSI used parts of the translation budget to support this sharing. In Peru, BTSI's Coast 2 Coast facilitators worked with Peruvian educator & learner focus group participants to produce the entire video highlighting their experience exploring the SSF Guidelines, framed by their questions and insights. In the Amazon and Andrean pilots, participants piloting activities and lesson plans co-designed by focus group educators & students also shared their learnings in the form of interviews which we find to be a better mechanism to gauge students' understanding than written surveys alone. BTSI allocated $734.00 to realize these three videos with translations.

Coast 2 Coast also collaborated with Peruvian university students to develop the initial ideas for the additional resources necessary to make learning through the curriculum's audiovisual activities more accessible. Rather than purchase a Zoom Pro account, BTSI bought a yearlong subscription to VMarker to record sessions with educators to process feedback (although the internet connectivity made its use challenging). Finally, in an effort to disseminate and share the curriculum as an innovative, playful approach to engage with the SSF Guidelines, BTSI translated learnings onto this website as the foundation of something to be built out further with funding for the project's second stage.

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2.b Peru Focus Group Budget


TOTAL: $3000.00

3. India Educator & Young Learner Focus Group
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3.b India Focus Group Budget


TOTAL: $3000.00

4.b Madagascar Focus Group Budget


TOTAL: $3526.00

5. Nigeria Educator & Young Learner Focus Group

TOTAL: $3000.00

5.a NIGERIA Focus Group Budget

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