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Chapter 6

Social Development, Employment and Decent Work

Supplemental Materials




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Dive deeper into each lesson plan and enrichment activity's content by watching videos, reading articles, and exploring websites curated by chapter.



Review the sources we studied, analyzed, and pulled information from to build this chapter's lesson plans and enrichment activities.

Chp 6: Handouts


6.a Keywords & Definitions

6.b Sketchnoting Examples

6.1.a Conducting an Interview 101

6.3.a Livelihood Key Terms

6.4.b The Infographic & Examples

Chp: Resources
Chp 6: Videos
Chp 6: PDFs


SSF Guidelines: Social development, employment, and decent work

This animation by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations explains why social development, employment, and decent work in small-scale fisheries is an essential part of the SSF Guidelines, ensuring that policies are in place that protect SSF people's dignity in the workplace and beyond while enabling access to basic social services.

Small-Scale Fisheries: Assessing their Contribution to Rural Livelihoods in Developing Countries 

Author Christophe Béné presents a first attempt to provide a critical overview of the role and importance of inland and coastal SSF concerning key development issues such as poverty alleviation, food security, and rural growth. His analysis finds that assessing the global contribution and importance of SSF is also not straightforward endeavor.

Decent work in fisheries: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy

A.J. Garcia Lozano et al. present a paper that reviews recent research on labor issues in the fishing industry, especially by environmental researchers and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), which are emerging as key players in research and policy arenas. 

Small-Scale Fisheries through a Well-being Lens

Lead author Nireka Weeratunge's unique paper focuses on the concept of well-being as a holistic way of looking at SSF and thereby unraveling and better assessing complex socioeconomic issues around decent work and dignity within the context of fisheries governance.

The SSF Hub: Social development and employment

How can your fishery help build stronger communities? Learn more about social development, employment, and decent work by exploring the resources in the SSF Hub's digital library.

Chp 6: Websites
Chp 6: References


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Anonymous. 2019. Fight today for a better tomorrow sign. In: Unsplash. Cited 19 January 2023.


Anonymous. 2020. Small is Bountiful 24-Hour Event: Using the SSF Guidelines and Human Rights for Sustainable Small-Scale SSF people. FAO, ICSF. Cited 17 January 2023. people/


Anonymous. 2022. Law Lessons. In: Law Lessons: Curriculum Resources for Teachers. Cited 14 January 2023.


Anonymous. undated. This is the last straw protest sign - When dads protest. In: Pinterest. Cited 19 January 2023a.


Anonymous. undated. Decent livelihoods. In: Fairtrade International. Cited 19 January 2023b.


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Aria Kyan. 2020. 17 Powerful Protest Sign Ideas & How to Make Your Own Protest Art. In: Square Signs. Cited 19 January 2023.


Artese. 2022. Artese Studios: Graphic Recording, Illustration and Visual Storytelling. In: Artese Studios. Cited 19 January 2023.


Barbara Pollack. 2017. Artists Channel Lady Liberty in Signs, Costumes, and Torches for the Women’s Marches. In: Hyperallergic. Cited 19 January 2023.


Béné, C. 2003. When Fishery Rhymes with Poverty: A First Step Beyond the Old Paradigm on Poverty in Small-Scale SSF people. World Development, 31(6): 949–975.


Casey Quackenbush. 2019. Climate Change Seen as the World’s Top Threat in Pew Poll | Time. In: Time. Cited 19 January 2023.


Deniz Sahinturk. 2021. 22 of the Most Powerful Signs Seen at Black Lives Matter Protests. In: Reader’s Digest. Cited 19 January 2023.


FAO. 2017. Towards gender-equitable small-scale SSF people governance and development − A handbook. In support of the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale SSF people in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication, by Nilanjana Biswas. Rome, Italy. 


FAO. 2022. Inclusive social development and decent work for enhancing small-scale SSF people's resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic. Rome. 


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Garcia Lozano, A.J., Decker Sparks, J.L., Durgana, D.P., Farthing, C.M., Fitzpatrick, J., Krough-Poulsen, B., McDonald, G. et al. 2022. Decent work in SSF people: Current trends and key considerations for future research and policy. Marine Policy, 136: 104922.


ILO. 2015. Decent work and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. In: International Labour Organization. Cited 13 January 2023.


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Kate Bahn, Mark Stelzner, & Emilie Openchowski. 2020. Wage discrimination and the exploitation of workers in the U.S. labor market. Washington DC, Washington Center for Equitable Growth.


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